Ability to select/change colour of academic house.
It would be good if we could align the colours of the academic houses that appear in the Parent App with those that are in use at the school, or at the very least, remove any colouring around the name of the academic house to remove ambiguity arou...
Include the scholarship or bursary % in the fields available to select in email and letter templates.
It would be very helpful if the % awarded for scholarships or bursary applicants could be added to the list of fields which can be selected when using the email template or letter templates. That way we can email successful applicants directly fro...
On the Export Wizard option in HR Manager, add additional fields that can be exported into CSV/Excel format. For example the Course information area in Development & Appraisal. We can get some of the information out on Export Staff records but...
You need to include the same functionaly that you have in tracker that is the ability to add custom items and include all the characteristic
You need to include the same functionally that you have in tracker and that is the ability to add custom items and include all the characteristic elements otherwise Gradebook is not going to work. The teacher needs to see these fields on the scree...
Addition of Subjects to Student list in Email Templates
Please could you add Teaching 'Subjects' to the options of merge fields in an Email template. You already have Year groups, tutors, registration but not Subjects or sets, this would be particularly useful. Thanks
Add iParent App and Parent Portal website login statistics
Can you please have login statistics for the iParent App and Parent Portal website logins? When we check our logging in Parent Portal Manager (screenshot attached) the logs haven't been updated since January 2021. Please help. We would like to get...