Filters options in Export Wizard should reflect the fields itself. For eg. if we would like to filter Relation Type it should be a drop-down where we can select the required relationships instead of guessing or having to refer to the original field.
You have separate invigilation in Pupil Registers/Student Registers but there in no check box for smaller exam room. The is particularly useful to comply with the SEN arrangement Read Aloud as they can be located within a similar smaller room. As ...
Can we request a feature where when we add a document via news manager, it gives us an option to upload the document to our document tree pl
Can we request a feature where when we add a document via news manager, it gives us an option to upload the document to our document tree please (and an option to show which older it should be saved in).
Add an ability to collapse or expand a group of columns
In Workbook view, if it is possible to have an ability to collapse or expand a group of columns that would be a great feature and help our teachers a lot in viewing and entering the data. We currently have quire lots of assessments in primary core...
We would like to add an option for staff to run a report for other student registers we add to the system, similar to the current options for gifted and talented and SEN in the Student Registers on the wizard bar.
Default an optional present code to a majority (removing the placement text basically). Easier for teachers to record a minority, for example: the majority are school dinners (default code) with the option to change it to packed lunch.
Having sight of the description lines in a drop down in the search results would save so much time when looking through POs, especially when there are several from the same supplier and you want to find some info quickly.
Philippa Dykes
8 months ago
in IRIS PS Purchasing
Awaiting Prioritization