Option to make the consent field mandatory in dispensing medication
It would be useful if the consent field could be mandatory to show either way, whether required or not, as when consent is requied it is possible to process the dispensing of medication without permission.
Allow the option to change drop down menu on Built in Stage Assessment Gradebooks (KS2)
Allow the option to change drop down menu on built in stage assessment gradebooks. This would be helpful in all gradebooks, but especially KS2. They should match the DFE Coding which is: GDS Working at greater depth EXS Working at the expected sta...
When you expand a pupil record (as opposed to going into the pupil record) on the Find Pupils screen, you can view the contact information for a pupil. This shows almost all the same information as available on the Quick View Details on the Wizard...
Ability to add registration fees and date received in admission manager module
Registration fees amount and payment date should be in admission manager module.Instead of pupil manager as it is filled in while adding the applicants / enquiry.Please see the attached screenshot for present field in pupil manager which i believe...
Pupils with Hidden Lessons - Register for Hidden Lesson should not appear in Day View / Week View
Following a ticket I raised concerning pupils with hidden lessons on their timetables but shown as unregistered in Day View and Week View. Info from iSAMS below - our Admin staff use Day and Week View to give quick overviews of unregistered pupils...
In most other modules, the current date is either highlighted or pre-populated when selecting from the date picker. It would be a very useful quality of life improvement if this new module had the same functionality.
Allow a 'Before' time to be added to Set based Registration Times
In our timetable structure we have a 5 minute buffer between the end of one period and the start of the next. This is built in to allow pupils time to transition between lessons in different classrooms or parts of the school. It would be very help...