FORMS - parent must complete required fields before proceeding through form
For required fields, parents should not have option to proceed through form until they complete the individual 'required field'. When they skip options and move on, Submit button is then greyed out and it is not clear what info is missing
Hi when people view the status of registration everyday, it's more convenient to see it in the order of grade/form, not family name. Because people are more familiar with student grade/form, not their family name. Now it looks a little messy.
It is frequently frustrating when wanting to work with data from several exports when you need a unique identifyer to do VLookUps and the School iD is not present when exporting data using Export Wizard or the reports tab of various modules. Could...
Within Query Builder there is an entry for Deposit Date under the main list of pupil fields. However, this is a legacy field and does not contain the actual deposit information. Although there are a couple of fields listed under Fee Billing, Depos...
Ability to Search by Deposit Date with Query Builder
Within Query Builder there is an entry for Deposit Date under the main list of pupil fields. However, this is a legacy field and does not contain the actual deposit information. Although there are a couple of fields listed under Fee Billing, Depos...
Third Gender Required which is non-gender specific
We need an option for a non-gender specific gender identity which refers to a pupil as they/them etc instead of he/she. We already have one such pupil in our school and I know that we are likely to have more in the future.