Ability to re-use tracking models - for e.g. by allowing a different reporting cycle to be selected and re-use the model
Tracking model data is based on reporting cycles. For new reporting cycles, the whole time-consuming process of creating the model needs to be repeated.Please include the ability of re-using models by changing the reporting cycles.
Specify which teachers need to write reports on a per subject basis within a report cycle
It would be useful if you could specify that 2 different teachers need to write subject reports on a per subject basis, rather than as an overall setting for the whole report cycle. Sometimes we want to do this for just a few subjects within the r...
Third Gender Required which is non-gender specific
We need an option for a non-gender specific gender identity which refers to a pupil as they/them etc instead of he/she. We already have one such pupil in our school and I know that we are likely to have more in the future.
We have some Display screens that we look to see if get the daily notices as a ticker on the bottom of, but the feeds are only one time use and this means that we would have to update it daliy so I was wondering if there is a way to have a feed th...
Can you please add an option to DELETE ALL CURRENT SETS and REPLACE WITH NEW SETS by using the spreadsheet under Teaching Manager please
I have found that it is easy enough to use the spreadsheet under Teaching Manager > Import > Import sets to create sets in bulk for multiple students, even for all the students in the school. However, there is no easy way to "undo" this. It ...
Export Wizard - include FSM, LAC, SEN, PP information.
In order to make the Export Wizard fields to be meaningful for our school activities it would be great if we could have extra export fields from the Student Registers area so we can see who is FSM, LAC, SEN Category and PP.
Contractors page for 'staff' such as peripatetic teachers and club leaders, as well as the staff page.
Have a separate contractors page for 'staff' such as peripatetic teachers and club leaders, in addition to the staff manager section in order to create a proper separation between those that are employed by the school and those that aren't.
The ability to add groups to your 'favorites'. We have lots of shared custom groups and this can make finding the group you need difficult, especially in some modules which have a relatively small box to select from. If a user was able to 'add to ...
This is a really useful report, particularly when amendments have been made to the schedule after the invoice production. Unfortunately it is not available to be emailed.