show room closures on manage cover menu, so I know that lessons need re-rooming but don't need a teacher!
Show room closures on the 'manage cover' menu, so that I can see at a glance that lessons need re-rooming but don't need a teacher (at the moment, I am having to create a fake teacher absence called 're-rooming', so I can see everything in one place)
Ability to Print off Reconciled Items during Bank Rec.
It is necessary for Audit purposes to have a list of the items reconciled during the bank rec process as well as the items remaining after the bank rec. In Version 6, this was possible, but in Version 7 it isn't. The only way you can do it is via ...
Is there a way that you can add an extra field in the 'Parental Consent' area of Medical Centre that allows us to record which parent it was
Is there a way that you can add an extra field in the 'Parental Consent' area of Medical Centre that allows us to record which parent it was who have the consent?This is an issue we regularly have with separated parents.
Greater search functionality in Student Manager with Student Registers
It would be really helpful if it were possible to increase the search functionality in Student Manager to include the general data in this module along with the data input into Student Registers. It is great that we can search for data from Studen...
Better control for School Year on Entry (and Year on Entry)
This appears in some form or another a few times already, but I'd like to suggest not just the removal of specific, old dates, but a better system for determining options available. Either a manual system (so, in Applicants -> Config -> Port...
Please can you make it so that budget values (whether uploaded manually or via a SQF File) are not rounded. We use Access Education, when we upload our profiled budget to IRIS, because IRIS Financial rounds to NIL decimal places the budget reports...
Dispensing medication - display a history of medication already given to that pupil
When dispensing medication to a pupil it would be very helpful if a history of medication already given is displayed. This would prevent 'double' dosing of such things a paracetamol. We currently have an in-house system that displays medication gi...
Automatic open comment box in School Register in Registration Module
Since Covid-19, our school needs to register student’s register in comment box. If the comment box can be opened automatically, it will save teacher time.Automatic open comment box in School Register in Registration Module
Leave requests - To be able to complete on the app
At present the leave request interactive form is only available via web browser. Is it possible to have on the app as well. this is more user friendly and to hand for all parents.