Users with View only permission to contacts can only see the main contacts screen in Student manager. This gives them the basic information but not all fields are displayed on this screen. Can you add a read only option of the edit contact details...
1. The fields for entering scholarship information is very limited. I'd like to add details of the school that's offered a scholarship, the date offered, whether it is 11+ or 13+ and whether the offer has been accepted or not. 2. I've found out th...
This is a really useful report, particularly when amendments have been made to the schedule after the invoice production. Unfortunately it is not available to be emailed.
Please amend the text on the dialog box when deleting an Out of School status. It currently says:No record of this entry will be retained Please amend to something along the lines of:All register absence marks related to the entire duration of ent...
Non DFE Census Schools To Have Enrolment Status Field In Pupil Manager
Please can non DFE Census Schools still have the 'Enrolment Status' field in Pupil Manager? We want to be able to log 'Guest' Students but currently can't which would mean they would still come out on various reports like they are on our school ro...
Missing Reports - to be Filtered by Pupils' Year Group
The 'Missing Reports' report is a great feature... unless you have students from different year groups in a same subject set, and your cycles are done per year group. Most of our senior students do a mix of higher and advanced highers, and therefo...
Ability for admin staff to edit parents evening appointments after closure
Please can we get the ability for school admin (primary) to amend parents evening bookings after the bookings have closed? Currently if a parent cancels on the day and would like to rebook for the next day we can't rebook them as they already have...