Ability to select placement on page for custom fields
We use the custom fields option regularly which is great however, these are placed in a vertical list to the left of the page - leaving the right of the page blank. It would be ideal if we could select the cell placement on the page and would also...
It would be useful to add the pupils admission status to fee billing under the single pupil view summary when hovering over a pupil. This is useful if a pupil is duplicated as an applicant due to a new record being created when they accept and it ...
It would be really helpful if development (and Trainers) could look at Truancy Call and compare the functionality with Absence Call. Using Absence Call is such a negative experience. It's not at all intuitive, it's clunky and time consuming to use...
over 1 year ago
in IRIS Reach
Awaiting Prioritization
The consent field for a medication linked to the Dispense screen.
At present, medical staff go to the dispense screen, then have to go into the separate consent screen to check if they can give the medication. It would be nice if they were linked and authorisation (or not) was shown on the dispense screen.
We need to be able to track room changes and allow staff to see this and book available rooms. Eg. Y5 exam in Room 1 so need to move existing class from Room 1 to another room. Or Room 1 is free and someone wants to book it for a spelling class on...
Associate a reward & conduct type and consequence with a specific Year Group
It would be very useful if we could associate a reward & conduct type and consequence with a specific Year Group(s) as we have reward & types that are only applicable to particular years e.g. disruptive behaviour in the junior school has d...
It would be great if when creating a bulletin entry you could have a recurring event similar to that in a calendar. Where you could select to have the bulletin show say weekly each Monday rather than just a date range.
Sue O'Brien at Southwick, admin@southwick.wilts.sch.uk would like to be able to delete things in documents to print, in Bulk, she said that she had previously been informed this would be added in, it is a current enhancement request.
Viv Farnsworth
almost 2 years ago
in IRIS Parentmail
Will not implement