Is it possible to set up detentions in a simular way to rewards and conduct so that there is different types of detention so that we could - for example - only publish After School detentions to the parent portal but not lunchtimes ones.
When a pupil is absent from school on a day the detention was assigned we would like this reflected in the Detention Register
Would it be possible for the detentions lists to link in with attendanceto show absences? As a minimum to indicate that a student was absentfrom school so could not attend - even better if there was somemechanism for moving to next available deten...
It would be really useful to have the ability for a whole school to take an online register in the event of a lockdown. The paper register is not really an option as we wouldn't be able to leave the rooms we are in and yet need to let the manageme...
Add a useful tools to re-allocate a room timetable to another room easily
Would you please add one more tool in useful tools so that we can switch a room timetable to another room. it will make thing much more easier as re-allocate teachers timetables and sets timetables.Thank you,
Gradebooks comments visible to students. Our teachers would like to use comments in Gradebooks to comment on student work. Currently comments are only visible to teachers when viewing the Gradebooks.
Is there a way that you can add an extra field in the 'Parental Consent' area of Medical Centre that allows us to record which parent it was
Is there a way that you can add an extra field in the 'Parental Consent' area of Medical Centre that allows us to record which parent it was who have the consent?This is an issue we regularly have with separated parents.
Budget Enforcing to include commitments in the system
Since we began using PSF 8 years ago we have had the 'budget enforce' function turned on. Up until this year it has worked fine, however, I have been told it no longer takes into consideration any commitments in the system and allows budget holder...
It would be great if there could be a folder structure in the Cycle Manager area, Currently they are grouped by academic year but it would be good if we were able to define additional structure eg terms, half terms, divisions etc.
We have added an extra year group to the Nursery (effectively N-3). However, the function does not exist to give it the NC year N-3, meaning we have had to assign it the form year 15. This has had an effect on rollover and register etc..