It would be great if when creating a bulletin entry you could have a recurring event similar to that in a calendar. Where you could select to have the bulletin show say weekly each Monday rather than just a date range.
It would be really helpful if development (and Trainers) could look at Truancy Call and compare the functionality with Absence Call. Using Absence Call is such a negative experience. It's not at all intuitive, it's clunky and time consuming to use...
almost 2 years ago
in IRIS Reach
Awaiting Prioritization
Would it be possible to transferr a pupil's full name onto the seating plan, instead of their inital and surname. This will make it alot easier for the invigilator to call them into the hall. Also, instead of the abbreviation of DIC for Dictionary...
Associate a reward & conduct type and consequence with a specific Year Group
It would be very useful if we could associate a reward & conduct type and consequence with a specific Year Group(s) as we have reward & types that are only applicable to particular years e.g. disruptive behaviour in the junior school has d...
User Login Audit Trail Indicated Portal / Application Used
Within the control panel it is possible to see the login history for a user. That login history will indicate whether they were successful and, if not, what the issue was. One of the problems a user may encounter is that they have tried to log on ...
Staff "Academic House" available as a field to add to data export and email wizard
Staff "Academic House" available as a field to add to data export and email wizard. Seems odd that there are fields in the system that you cant actually get out onto a spreadsheet.
It would be great if we could manage staff lateness, sickness and absence on the iSAMs HR Manager module. The possibility of exporting a termly/yearly report of staff attendance would help a lot in PPDPs and other meetings.
Sue O'Brien at Southwick, would like to be able to delete things in documents to print, in Bulk, she said that she had previously been informed this would be added in, it is a current enhancement request.
Viv Farnsworth
almost 2 years ago
in IRIS Parentmail
Will not implement