Please make the drop down menu options in 'Basic' Search, multi-selectable
Or, add the searchable options available in the 'Basic' tab to the 'Multiple View' tab. Either one of these features would make searching for groups of pupils much more efficient
eMail Staff an address/contacts/car details Data Collection form to check details
It would be good if we could automatically generate a data collection/checking sheet in bulk and email out to staff directly from within iSAMS for them to check and amend their details.
Schools using childcare vouchers for balances spend a lot of time moving money manually between balances for parents. Would be beneficil if the parent can have a 'top level' balance that they can then split out between clubs/registers themselves E...
about 2 years ago
in IRIS PlusPay
Will not implement
Email from customer - We have parents complaining that when they receive emails it doesn't specify who it's for especially those with siblings. I am a parent myself with one child so I have made a test account as a sibling to find out myself. I ha...
Jane Barrett
about 2 years ago
in IRIS Parentmail
Already exists
Automatic individual PDFs of student data information
Is there an easy method for iSAMS to produce a report which contains student data information (to be checked by parents to make sure everything is up to date) which exports as individual PDFs and contains their name or School ID in the title so th...
A button available in the Register Activity window and via the actions button of payment items to allow school to tick students, click a button and automatically have a pdf document produced and downloaded (similarly to how register reports automa...
about 2 years ago
in IRIS PlusPay
Will not implement
We have a few instances where a new pupil is initially marked as accepted and so has fees and other charges added to their account. They then subsequently decide not to come and are marked by Admissions as withdrawn. We have noticed that the fee c...
When adding students to consent registers the page will reset back to page 1 every time someone is added from subsequent pages. Can this be looked at as it makes a very useful feature unbelievably time consuming to use.