Display my child's photo on the Parent's Portal under the School Profile and under My Children on the Home page
The child's name format at times might be confusing to the parents especially if they have more than 1 child and the name is similar. Therefore, for parents, it would be really good to have the children's picture on the Parent's Portal when they a...
Email alert to Teachers/Tutor when Notes/Documents are added
It is not currently possible to send email notifications to tutors when a Note/Document has been added to a Student's record. We add notes and documents to Student Records in our Student Manager module and can see great benefit in an email alert b...
It would be great to make the URL or link in the bulletin body clickable, especially when we want to include a form for parents, such as a map or location for the trip.
In Central, when designing a report, student photos are available in the dataset, however, the menu structure to add them into a page is not available. Could this function be added?
Each term we are posting cash receipts prior to the invoices being pulled in from Isams. It then takes 2 days of solid payment allocations. Please could a bulk option be reviewed. thanks
Warning for Schools when importing DfE CTFs not to update Basic details so case of names not changes in the system
When importing Assessment files from DfE if a school forgets to change the field to not update basic details it changes all the Pupil names to capital letters in Ed:gen. A warning message would be helpful.
Ability to use email wizard to contact other schools
The ability to email specified contacts at other schools using email wizard, ideally that communication would then be stored against the records for all of the schools.
Linking of Scholarships (Discounts) to Fee Billing
It may be helpful if the scholarship section on Student Manager accounts can be widened to include bursaries and any other discount given. In particular, if these can be amended as/when needed and then automatically be drawn through as discounts o...
The ability to tick a box and resend an email communication to a parent/student rather then having to go through the whole process again of sending it.