Adding the "Create Demerit Entry" to the wizard bar under "Student Manager". This shortcut will be useful instead of having to search for the student and then select the discipline manager. It will also be useful to be able to select multiple stud...
Include generative AI throughout all of MIS rather than just in Central
I am looking into using generative AI to speed up the process of report writing for our staff. I know other MIS (such as Arbor) have added the functionality for reporting written by AI and I was wondering if that is possible/planned for ISAMs. I k...
Ability to see COMMUNICATION HISTORY via the iParent App
Literally the entire point of the iParent app is to have everything you get with Parent Portal, but mobile. I actually assumed this was already built-in, but when some users complained that they weren't receiving emails I took a look for myself. T...
AP invoice box - see which invoice are entered via the AP invoice box
Currently there is no easy way to review invoices to see if they were loaded automatically via the AP inbox or loaded manually. Can there be a flag on invoices to show if it was loaded via the AP inbox. Sometimes staff are uploading invoices manua...
When seating for internal and external exams we often have the same subject but with several components ( multiple papers) these are held of different dates and times. The students need to be seated in the same seat for all of these exams so would...
Would like the option of searching by Form Tutor rather than pastoral, and I'd prefer to see the Form Tutor rather than pastoral tutor on the School tab.
Identifying Establishment Number of School when creating CTF
When creating a CTF if more than one School is listed with the same name it would be helpful if the DFE numbers appeared so the correct school could be selected
Email sent when Cover is cancelled after publication
Currently if yu cancel a cover, there is no email, so colleagues still think they have a cover to do, or there is confusion. If a cover is cancelled after publication, could an email be triggered?
Ability to sort and filter gradebook data by additional characteristic fields' values
Currently, Gradebooks has only an ability to filter columns (among the large number of culumns) to be displayed. It would be much much more useful if it could have the ability to filter / sort data by the value of the characteristics fields and th...