The private candidate view is sorted by last name. Please can we have the same sorting options as on internal candidate view (for instance sort on No.) and also a candidate search. It will make it much easier to find the relevant candidate and wor...
We are unable to edit attendance data once a pupil has been marked as a leaver. It would be nice if this was possible without making them current again and adding them back into their form
In Designer it is possible to select different high contrast colour schemes would it be possible to create our own colour scheme to match of school branding.
If you have have relatively large gradebooks with formula its's difficult to see which columns are used as the ID is shown and not the column name. Would be much easier to see what a formula does if the name is displayed.
Assign an email address to agency staff so they receive the published cover list
e.g. We have a supply teacher from and agency called 'Gillian Sabino' who has an email address '' - ideally when I publish cover, she would receive, vai email, the cover lessons relevant to her. Thanks Nigel
Can we please have the ability to enlarge the font on the iSAMS seating plan so that a human being can read it. Currently we have to export it onto Excel to enlarge it, however, that loses the colour codes for each exam.
It would be helpful to allow groupings in custom reports for any of the modules that offer reports. If one could group reports i.e. have 'heading' that a few reports could sit under and another 'heading' that another few reports could sit under wo...
When you have the leaver section it would be great to mark them as alumni to built up an alumni database and maybe this can start something of ano alumni module.
Publishing cover printouts automatically to Daily Bulletin Manager
I would like to be able to publish from Cover Manager directly to the Daily Bulletin rather than saving a PDF printout and manually creating a new bulletin post each day. Rather than staff just seeing their own cover, they can see the cover overvi...