Teachers show as available on cover manager although they have a meeting. There are regular meetings that teachers have with other teachers or parents, yet, they are placed for cover because the meetings do not show as a lesson. Please fix this.
Currently it is frustrating to use the REST API, only to find that the field we are looking to review / update is not an available end point. Can you look into making it consistent which fields are available in the same screen. For example, in the...
Ability to add additional fields to reports on the Wizard Bar
It would be very useful to be able to add fields to the Teaching Set List report and others. Wizard Bar > Teaching Manager > View Teaching Set Lists > on the Field Selection screen > I would like to add more fields for staff to select ...
SEN flags - allows Wonde pull customized SEN Flags
As a private school, we do not use the standard DfE SEN flag/types (i.e. E, K, N etc). We have our own types and we managed them in Pupil Registers by creating the different flag/types in Configuration > Manage Sections > SEN > Register &...