Notification of Registration Form submissions when payment hasn't been completed
iSAMS support have confirmed that the system is set up to only notify school users of a registration form submission if a successful payment is made. If payment is not made, the form comes through but no one gets notified. It would be much more he...
Assign out of school - Return Date should update if Start date changed
When assigning a pupil as out of school the user is prompted with the start and return dates which correctly default to the current date. It would be more convenient for the user if the start date is changed ( to a future date ) that the return da...
Being able to import from the school photographer using UPN rather than school id. Most schools use UPN's for each student rather than the School ID that ISAMS use. I spoke the the photographer and they had not hear of School ID but were happy to ...
We currently have a few subjects (e.g. Philosophy of Religion and PSHE) which we rotate each half-term or term. At the moment to keep timetables correct and so registers correctly auto-default for staff we are adding/removing the lessons from the ...
Allowing for a "Proof reader" in the Assessment Module
At present it is only possible to have a proofreader for the written reports, but it will be handy to have a similar setup for the assessment section, so that Head of Subject and ideally, Head of Department can have an overview of the grades/resul...
Ability to amend the Charge Sheet available via the Export Wizard
We want to be able to create a charge sheet by subject which can be sorted by class and in alphabetical order. Currently the spreadsheet adds everyone in alphabetical order only. We also want the ability to add additional lines for the same pupil ...
Disallow notifications home about medications dispensed based on age
Whilst the idea of emailing home when a student visits our infirmary or is given medicine is useful - we won't be using it because we can't disable messages home if the studen is older. For older pupils, we feel that the notifications could breach...
Candidate Entry & Timetable Reports - Save as individual reports
When downloading Candidate Reports there is requirement to be able to save as individual reports to pass on to the candidates. Presently the pdf is one file, ok for printing but not for individual saving. Other option is downloading each individua...