Currently to produce an individual pdf file of the current report for the whole year group, we use the 'Create a Zip' option in Portal publishing. However, this option produces the individual pdfs in a folder by Form or by School id. Can we please...
Teachers show as available on cover manager although they have a meeting. There are regular meetings that teachers have with other teachers or parents, yet, they are placed for cover because the meetings do not show as a lesson. Please fix this.
Seating plans should show when a candidate has Arrangement Notes
It would be useful if seating plans - in addition to stating when a candidate has, e.g., 25% extra time or a Word Processor - could show when a candidate has additional EAA notes, so that invigilators know that they need to check what these are. I...
It would be really useful if there was a tick option to show school name (and Logo maybe) on badges for pupils when they are on a trip, could this be achievable perhaps?
It's great you have discipline beta on the REST api now now, can we also have update and create methods. We have lots of pastoral workflows that result in detention and we currently have to send an email to an admin person to enter them manually, ...
Ability to see COMMUNICATION HISTORY via the iParent App
Literally the entire point of the iParent app is to have everything you get with Parent Portal, but mobile. I actually assumed this was already built-in, but when some users complained that they weren't receiving emails I took a look for myself. T...
SEN flags - allows Wonde pull customized SEN Flags
As a private school, we do not use the standard DfE SEN flag/types (i.e. E, K, N etc). We have our own types and we managed them in Pupil Registers by creating the different flag/types in Configuration > Manage Sections > SEN > Register &...