Emails via wizard to record in student notes section
When sending emails via the email wizard, it would very useful to keep those records in the student notes section to keep all records together and easily accessible/viewable
Editing pencil tool for renaming uploaded documents on Admission portal
It would be quite good to have an option to edit (pencil tool) the names of uploaded documents on Admission portal itself as it is difficult to identify the document after moving the student to Applicants. Otherwise there should be a preview for d...
Please could we have the SEN need types added to Central as well as the overall level/provision? Our SENCOs really need to report on this additional level of detail. I'm referring to the Requirements table in the Requirements section of each pupil...
I requested this nearly a year ago but please can we get a link between payments and forms? eg selling tickets to a PTA disco automatically sends them to the form for dietary and contact info for that event. The admin and time spent contacting par...
Give option to lock permissions for staff to see info only for pupils associated to their house
With regards things like pastoral notes and sanctions, we would really like to be able to tighten permissions so that only staff who work in an associated house can see Rewards and Conducts information for pupils within their house. We do currentl...
When using Leave Requests within Registration Manager, why have isams made it so that you have to select a tiny 'select all' box? Can isams not just show straight away if we have any pending, completed, approved or rejected requests?
Please could we have a recalculate function on direct debits. If you change fees or scholarship remission or bursary remissions within a pupils fee table, it would be great to have a recalculation function within direct debits to recalculate the r...
The window size to input consultations and read previous consultations is extremely small, can this be made bigger? Is there the option, similar to primary care electronic patient record systems - such as EMIS or System One - to have a template wi...
1. Bill payer is company. 2. A copy of the bill is sent to the parent (Copy Bill Recipient). However in this copy of the bill, the bill to details is changed to the Parent Details. This create confusion to the parent (recipient). See screenshot 2 ...