Currently there are only Forname and Surname fields when we add a doctor to a surgery. Whilst we don't enter first names for most doctors, and have been putting "Dr" into the Forename field, I'm thinking it would be better to have a Title field in...
I have created a gradebook for my whole of primary including Year 1 - 6. Instead of me needing to creating individual gradebooks for each year group that all link to the master gradebook - could we have a drop down box filter on 'year group' so te...
Being able to import from the school photographer using UPN rather than school id. Most schools use UPN's for each student rather than the School ID that ISAMS use. I spoke the the photographer and they had not hear of School ID but were happy to ...
We use our supplied SendGrid login to carry out tasks, like view bounces, but there is a lot that just tells me I don't have access to or need to pay more. It would make sense to use the SendGrid API to bring in only the options and features we ne...
Email Communication History Should Indicate Failure
Emails from iSAMS on our system go out via Send Grid. If, for some reason, iSAMS is able to generate the email, but unable to forward it to Send Grid, that email is logged as failed with the Email Manager applet in the Control Panel. However, the ...
Ability to Group Edit DFE Fields in Student Registers for Census purposes
Our School users really like the Batch and Group Edit functionality in Student Manager to enable them to prepare the data for the Census more easily. However, in some Student Registers (i.e. Learner and Funding Monitoring) the only field available...
It would be very useful to teachers to have the option of adding access arrangements to the teaching set list report found on the wizard bar as it would then allow them to see who requires extra time for class test.
Ability to print cover/re-rooming reports in advance
Ability to print cover/re-rooming reports in advance.Usually, when I close rooms for exams, I organise this in advance and circulate in case staff need equipment etc prior to their lesson, this info is also on the board in advance for students.But...
It would be really useful if we were able to organise existing custom fields with the new custom section feature, for example group together and name (custom section) and use multiple field rows. At present, we can only add new custom fields to cu...
Fees bills to be viewed on the Parent Portal Mobile App
Parents typically use the Portal when using their mobile phone. Uploading bills to the parent portal is completely ineffective if not viewable on a mobile phone.