Ability to clone a timetable to another member of staff
While our teacher timetable was set up in time it would be good to be able to clone a timetable to another member of staff, either for when something changes mid year, or adding to to teaching assitants.
Be able to add in other characteristics to gradebooks
We would like to be able to add in other characteristics into Gradebooks such as a Pupil Premium Flag, or whether the student receives FSM. Currently the list from step 4 of the Gradebook Wizard is uneditable.
Sales account credit balances to be taken into consideration for direct debits
We have several credits on sales accounts but the direct debit calculations do not take this into consideration. We have opted for the brought forward balances to be shown on the invoices but have had several parents saying that there is an error ...
Fully clone user group permissions across all modules
From time to time we get asked to "Add module X" to an existing user as most staff are unaware of how permissions in iSAMS are configured. While we can clone the basic level of permissions within the Control Panel, it means having to go through se...
It would be really useful to build teaching/learning assistant timetables (and then to also be able to use them in conjunction with the cover manager module). We are an SEN school and have various 1:1 or classroom support assistants that job share...
In registration manager when clicking on a child's name we can see pupil details and contact details. It would also be helpful if there was a tab that shows the child's overall attendance percentage. This will help attendance officers to determine...
When we raise a REQ we can add an attachment but when we convert that REQ into a PORD the attachment is not carried forward onto the PORD. We use this for quotes etc. What we would like is for this document to appear at every stage up until INV. A...
Sarah Egginton
over 1 year ago
in IRIS PS Purchasing
Under Investigation
Centralising student related downloaded document with an auto download into a DMS folder
Propose for an auto auto download into a unique student DMS folder for any system generated document and this can be accessible directly via student profile. The users currently need to attach each document & upload this manually and frequentl...