Currently iFinance only shows the outstanding transations for customer statements and it is not very helpful when parents or customers need to reconcile all the spending and payments done. Therefore, it would be helpful if there was an option to g...
Reward and Conduct notifications to parents from iSams and not Parent Portal
Reward & Conduct notifications emails should be sent directly from iSams and not the Parent Portal. At the moment, if parents do not have an iSams Parent Portal account, they do not receive notification emails.
Now that VAT is implemented on private schools, some bills have rounding issues that are affecting the total gross invoice amount. There isn't a way around the rounding errors of units and the VAT amounts to ensure the gross amount comes to the co...
Documents on Student Manager to be Available at Parent Portal
Hi, A lot of schools are migrating from platforms like Engage. So their old reports and documents are being uploaded to the student manager. But unfortunately, this reports are not available in the parent portal when parents they need to check the...
Linking Sets is awful. You need to be able to select a whole set of pupils and COPY them into other subject sets. As soon as you have a class that is not in line with "forms" then there is not a simple way to just copy them over. For example, PE w...
In the Student Manager Quick View Details screen, it displays the Tutor as e.g., Mr Brown. But if you have several staff with the name of Mr Brown, it is not helpful. So we would like to suggest that you add the Tutor Initials also to this field.
Please can we have a warning when our session is about to timeout, providing the ability to be able to stay logged in (like Biostore). It's frustrating for schools to be actively using the system, for it to suddenly time out.
It would be really useful if iSAMS can enhance the Register Alert Email template by incorporating additional placeholders such as: 1. Subject ClassCode
2. Location/Class
3. Period Name Teachers will greatly benefit from this enhancement as it pr...
Ability to see the VAT codes in the Transaction Browser & GL Drilldown grids
At the moment the grid options/customisation in Transaction Browser & GL Drilldown does not offer VAT code as a field to display. This would offer a quick way to check that VAT codes used for transaction processing are correct without having t...