Pupil photo to be shown on Admissions Manager module
Currently, student photos are visible in the Student Manager module, but are not visible in the Admissions Manager module. It would be useful to see the photo in the Applicants section, Applicant Details tab (In much the same way it is visible in ...
Is there any way to have an audit log to see the data and dashboards accessed by users. This would help to understand the usage of the dashboards and also allow for monitoring to the access of data.
Option not to show SEN flags if Pupils are now "off register"
If the "SEN" characteristic is included in the gradebooks, it currently still shows a SEN flag for all pupils who have historically been on the SEN register - even when pupils have been moved "Off register" in the new "Pupil registers" module. It ...
If a concern is raised with multiple pupils, any update needs to be entered for every pupil individually. This can be very time consuming if there are lots of pupils who (say) happened to be bystanders. Can we create linked updates to what are eff...
Choice of Naming on Portal - Parents are not always aware of identity preferences.
Parent portal is pulling the preferred name for the child. This is OK if the child is small, but if they are 16 - 19 and have not told their parents that they are identifying differently - this is a big issue. We really need to be able to specify ...
when you create and electronic form and use the date field, for any date ie dob, date of transport, date of signing the form, the year starts at 1923! Obviously we don't select 1923 often, could the years available be revised please?
The Census Manager allows you to see validation errors and warnings, and it is currently not possible to export these from the system, or even span multiple pages. It would be great if this data validation could be produced in an excel report, so ...
Ability to email parents who sign up for an 'event' in Admissions Manager
In Admissions Manager, we can create 'events' that parents can sign up for, but once they do, there's no easy way to email just these parents from inside isams, nor is there a way to create a 'custom group' and just select the parents/families who...