It would be excellent to be able to dovetail something like "cover manager" to set invigilation slots for examination sessions and then to have the ability to import these slots into your calendar via a ical format or something similar.
We are unable to edit attendance data once a pupil has been marked as a leaver. It would be nice if this was possible without making them current again and adding them back into their form
Photo galleries' should have visibility based on access set by publication, similar to document and files upload access levels
We need to share photo albums with given access level:, due to lack of these permissions, we are not able to use photo galleries':- Academic house- year group- form-individual student
This request already exists for the Registration Manager module, but it would be great if this feature could also appear on the iTeacher app, e.g. in the form of a notification.
When you have a large number of exams to manage, it is easy to miss one out when putting a seating plan together. Once a seating plan has been created, the only editing you can do is with adding or removing candidates for the exams *already* assoc...
Cover an absent teacher with a scheduled teacher and cover their lesson with a free teacher
When a teacher is absent we would like to be able to use a scheduled teacher to cover their lesson and then cover the scheduled teacher's lesson with another staff member
It would be really helpful to be able to pull calculated columns across into other gradebooks - this is very helpful if you have calculated some averages and want to summarise them in another gradebook. I understand that the limitations are down t...
When using Leave Requests within Registration Manager, why have isams made it so that you have to select a tiny 'select all' box? Can isams not just show straight away if we have any pending, completed, approved or rejected requests?