When using the ALERT option via Registration Manager, a filter to select all (for example, N codes) would be useful like with the Parent Notification Alerts, so that ALL relevant ALERTS to Teaching Staff, could be sent with just a couple of clicks...
The ability to publish gradebook comments to parent and student portals in bulk. Or a setting to set the default visibility. We enter Gradebooks comments for every assessment and there is no way to publish these without going back into the comment...
Could the Column Data Type in the Column Adjustment tab be to 'Number' as default and NOT 'Text'.Because it allows you to transpose in bulk so 'N/A' or 'X' can be transposed to '0' but the calculated column frequently still doesn't work with empti...
In Student Registers it does not seem to be possible to 'sort' pupils (e.g. by DoB) as you can do in Student Manager, by clicking on the title tab at the top of a column.Can this facility be enabled, please.
Gradebook Module - Add the analysis summary in the Gradebook to CALCULATED columns also.
Add the analysis summary in the Gradebook to CALCULATED columns also. Viewing subject means for example is a great tool for department heads. Currently the subject mean is only displayed for "normal columns", it does not display for CALCUALETED co...
The description field is not long enough - even if you press F8 for more detail to be added, this is applied to the whole document, not individual lines, and for sales invoices cannot be seen by the customer
Emilia Hodgson
over 1 year ago
in IRIS Financials
Awaiting Further Feedback
Online payment portal for clubs,lunches,dress down days etc
it would be great if it was possible to have an online portal for parents to make one off payments to the school for things such as clubs, trips, lunches, dress down days etc. this would save the children having to bring money into the school and ...
SEN star link info should display the same as registers to make it clearer
We use this link lots for our staff to find SEN info and it would be great if it was able to display the info in the same way as Student registers, overview included. The pictures show the 'student registers' version which is clear and in boxes, c...
Ability to use text formatting options when adding info to student registers
Being able to use bullet points, bold, italics etc will greatly enhance the clarity of the information displayed. This will make it easier for teachers to access key information in an profile for example. Also, allow paragraphs and line spacing as...