Our Friday morning registers are selected by Houses. We then do five trees within each house, spread across KS3 and KS4. The registration rule does not allow us to filter so the 5 teacher taking register could have 165 students to filter through. ...
The SEN Types list in the requirements section of the SEN register is not sorted alphabetically (screenshot attached). This occurs when new SEN Types codes are added. This is a request to allow us to sort or at the very least for iSAMS to set the ...
Is it possible to get a report of users by useage of the portal, I am constantly short of Licenses, and need to see user useage. To make sure the more active users keep their license, and also to see if I still need so many licenses
External Exam Arrangements to be customizable for IB requirements
Add custom tick boxes to External Exam Arrangements that are specific to our school (IB). We have to add certain IB acceptable requirements in the Notes section, which is not helpful
It would be beneficial to be able to see / print Supplier bank details during the payment run process before approval. This would allow the details to be cross checked as another level of security and without having to go into every account separa...
There are a few bugs in the admissions portal and it would improve the proespective parent experience if they could be resolved. 1.) When moving from enquiry to registration there are some weird little lookup errors - Under Parent details a blank ...
Click through to a pupil record from the pupils listed against an agency
It would be good if you could click through from an agent to the pupil/applicant details. Saves you finding an agent and a pupil and then having to go into Pupil Manager/Applicant Manager to look up the pupil. I do believe that it would make a lot...
Our school has 2 divisions, working on separate timetable weeks and separate structures (this is the main reason we have the divisions). I was told by one of the support team that, although it's possible to add absences and assign cover to more th...
Pupil leaving data to be accesible via the batch API
We use the batch API to analyse our pupil numbers and make predictions for the next academic year. The currectstudent and applicant batches are really useful for this. However, we would also like to include data about current pupils who will be le...