Will it possible to search by student and edit an entire report for one student as well? This approach will be helpful for reviewing comprehensive lists for certain students, rather than addressing by each teacher's set.
Allowing preselected options on other tabs when running Teaching Set Lists
Currently when you run the Teaching Set Lists, options for what teachers can see may only be preselected off the standard tab. Now you have introduced pupil registers it would be very useful to be able to preselect options from other tabs that now...
Security/Confidentiality of electronic form submissions on Parent Portal
When we have new pupils starting we have a collection of electronic forms needing to be submitted by the parents. A couple of which are medical in confidence when completed. it would be great to be able to select a security group for accessing the...
Seating Plans links to Room cover in Cover Manager
When doing seating plans, the room that is being used should be linked with the cover manager. This was when doing cover that room can be re-roomed. Otherwise this is double work and if you forget to add it, chaos on the day of the exam.
Facilitate the ability to test registration set up
When we set up Registration Dates & Times for the year, it would be really helpful for schools to be able to ability to test future registrations to make sure that they are set up correctly. This is particularly relevant when using new registr...
Using Custom Fields or Groups to filter students in Timetable Manager
Most of our students (97%) are dual registered with Mainstream schools so we would benefit from being able to filter out the students from a specific school using a custom Field preferably or a custom Group and export all their timetables in one g...