Missing reports feature should also apply to Assessments
Apparently the Missing Reports tool is not set up to work with Assessment cycles, only with Report cycles. It would be really useful to be able to see which assessments are missing.
Enable Teacher Cover Rota to be viewed via iTeacher App
When a manual Teacher Cover Rota is in place, it would be beneficial to be able to view this via the iTeacher app in order to be able to email the timetabled teachers directly and arrange last minute cover if away from your desk.
Would it be possible to email an applicants current school through the email wizard? This would be a useful feature when gathering information ahead of assessments and also for when safeguarding information is requested. We currently add the name ...
When reconciling, why do you have to leave the screens when you have reconciled items, Why cant we stay on the reconciliation page to continue reconciling.
Following query from sales, requesting integration with Salto door system- Our current offering isn't reliable . and requires extensive review. Is there an easier way we can have more integrations with more access providers.
Add department and subject data to the outputof the rewards and conduct API
The Batch API currently doesn't output either the awarding department or subject in the rewards and conduct module, even though these fields can be mandatory.
As we enter the new academic year we're reaching the point where we need to allocate pupils to Academic Houses. We try to keep siblings in the same house, so it would be really useful if we could have Sibling Academic House" available for export a...
Show staff photo instead of silhouette for staff contact setup on the Admissions portal
We have added a contact to the Admissions Portal (the Registrar). It would be very beneficial for their photo to show instead of the basic silhouette so that prospective parents know what the Registrar looks like before they arrive. The photo is s...
There are so many inadequacies with the module that one wonders if new modules are tested with real school staff before being rolled out. It doesn't pick up data from Tracking Manager or Report Manager to make it easy to show historic grades/score...