Could you add to the reporting suite a report of changes to supplier bank details. Our Auditors have been asking for this for the past 2 years, so fairly sure other auditors are asking for the same thing.
When creating a new student register, in order to assign a relevant icon, you need to navigate through multiple pages of thousands of tiny images. It would be fantastic if there was a way we could view these from the support centre/help pages. Som...
Allow the option to change drop down menu on Built in Stage Assessment Gradebooks (KS2)
Allow the option to change drop down menu on built in stage assessment gradebooks. This would be helpful in all gradebooks, but especially KS2. They should match the DFE Coding which is: GDS Working at greater depth EXS Working at the expected sta...
communication, contact information, change request form date
On the communication tab, please could the contact information - change request form have a date of when the change is required from. We have to report the date students move house to the local authority, so if the parents had to put the chagne of...
Include 'School Division' filter to the inbuilt available filters
I know we can multi-select year groups when using the filters in Student Registers, but it would improve user experience and efficiency if we could filter by School Division, too. Perhaps the School Division filter could sit under the School Struc...
I need to know the full list of people that have been assigned a licence on the purchasing side. I can see the list, but as there are alot, I will have to screen shot a few times. This would be helpful when people leave the business.