We run weekly payment runs across 5 different accounts. Each paylist created is then viewed / spot checked against the invoice image. Once you have clicked on the view image icon, why is there then a need to go to yet another screen to click on 's...
almost 2 years ago
in IRIS Financials
Awaiting Further Feedback
When assigning a group of pupils to a detention or wanting to move a group to a different detention, other detention slots will show red if one or more pupils are in that detention. If this is escalating a detention to the next afterschool detenti...
Users with View only permission to contacts can only see the main contacts screen in Student manager. This gives them the basic information but not all fields are displayed on this screen. Can you add a read only option of the edit contact details...
Contacting students using e-mail through the Search feature
We've recently been using the Search feature in registration and have found it a REALLY useful method of identifying students, however, it appears that this module hasn't been updated for a number of years as using the drop-down feature in the att...
Sorting the dropdown in reporting cycle to the latest report as opposed to the oldest report
When you are adding a reporting cycle to a model the dropdown for the Report Cycle orders from the earliest report within the category as opposed to the latest report in the category. This is not the end of the world but it does involve scrolling ...
When saving a register, could the pop-up box confirming that the register has been saved successfully be made bigger so that teachers are more aware if there has been a problem.