Link Set-based registration to Timetable Suspensions
At the moment, set-based lesson registration takes no account of Timetable Suspensions in Cover Manager, so, for example, during school exams the Take a Registration wizard still expects exam groups to be registered in their lessons despite their ...
Option to disable the editing of profile (adresses, phone, name, emails...) for parents
When parents are editing their profile info (emails, adresses, phone number...) it cuts ans stops the communication with another software we are using for enrollment. It would be helpful to add an option for administrators to unable changes from u...
Sanatorium Manager had a calendar section for each pupil. This meant that visits are not just shown in a list but can be viewed as a calendar view per pupil also. This would be a good option to have in the new Medical Module.
A number of iSAMS-created reports are being pushed to the various modules. Schools have control over the allocation of their own reports, but do not have the same level of control over iSAMS-created reports. If schools de-allocate an iSAMS report,...
It would be good if in the configuration we could allow a category to have attachments so teachers could attach evidence/more detail to a reward or conduct.
Option required to hide applicants and former students for consent registers on the parent portal
Currently, on the parent portal the consent registers show for all students linked to the family- this includes applicant/former and current students which might not suit the purpose of the consent register created- This is the case when the famil...
It would be helpful to be able to filter the access to different consent registers, so that only the filtered groups have access to complete the consent register from the portals, and for just groups of pupils to be included in the relevant consen...
There isn't currently an option to retain the order of the consent register on the parent portal. The consent registers should appear on the portal in the order they were created, however, when a parent makes changes to a registers (ticking or unt...
The BATCH API call doesn't include the criterion and criterion description. It is not possible to pull standard/criteria based grades or ATLs in a viable format. It would be great if we could include that in the scops.
Our medical staff often need to know if a student is day or boarding for various reasons. Having to look a student up on Medical Centre and then Pupil Manager is adding in extra work