We have students who leave school on one day weekly (e.g. for an off-site sporting commitment), and having the ability for the parents to request this via the Parent Portal Leave Request facility would be a big help!
Contacting students using e-mail through the Search feature
We've recently been using the Search feature in registration and have found it a REALLY useful method of identifying students, however, it appears that this module hasn't been updated for a number of years as using the drop-down feature in the att...
Sorting the dropdown in reporting cycle to the latest report as opposed to the oldest report
When you are adding a reporting cycle to a model the dropdown for the Report Cycle orders from the earliest report within the category as opposed to the latest report in the category. This is not the end of the world but it does involve scrolling ...
Better control for School Year on Entry (and Year on Entry)
This appears in some form or another a few times already, but I'd like to suggest not just the removal of specific, old dates, but a better system for determining options available. Either a manual system (so, in Applicants -> Config -> Port...
set the default seating order in a configuration tab
Could we set the default seating order in a configuration tab? We seat in candidate no. order and I have to remember to set this every time I build a seating plan.
One of our Schools uses Future absences to manage their Nursery attendance patterns and would like to be able to report on the future absences that have been input. It seems all of the Reports in the Reporting tab only report up until the current ...
Stop the renaming of forms uploaded via the portal
We have set up an Admission portal form to upload our joining papers straight into student mgr / Docs & files. But for some bizarre reason the file names are changing to a random number !! eg. Health Record form.doc was changed to ef654b72-842...