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Add Grading/Element Descriptor for Gradebook Mark in Report Template

We rely on Grading Descriptor to display the milestones description of each Grading Field. However, when preparing migration from markbook to gradebook next year, we realized that the "Gradebook Mark" grading type don't come with a grading descrip...
Guest almost 3 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Reports Manager 0 In Discovery

Spell check in Spreadsheet Download

The spreadsheet that is downloaded from the Reports Wizard has password protection applied to it. When protection is applied to a spreadsheet, it is no longer possible to make use of the spell checker facility. It would be great if a workaround fo...
Sarah Kattau over 4 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Reports Wizard 0 In Discovery

Seating - gaps between different exams

It would be very useful if it was possible to select where you want to start the next exam. Sometimes for various reasons I do not want the same number of seats as a gap between different exams. I may wish to start a new row with the next exam and...
Guest about 10 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / External Exams Manager 0 Good Feature

Filter previous reports by subject

It would be invaluable to be able to filter the previous reports section under options panel of the report wizard to only show the subject being filled in. At present the previous reports section will show all the reports for the pupil and you wou...
Guest almost 3 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Reports Manager 0 In Discovery

Tracking Manager, include more reporting data.

Currently it only include subject reports. School may have other reports such as head of subject reports which need to be included in tracking as well.
Guest over 4 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Tracking Manager 0 In Discovery

Include data from Staff Meetings (Rooms / Teachers) in Cover Manager

The Staff Meetings are not considered when creating teacher absence or room closure in Cover Manager. A teacher in a weekly meeting is usually not available for cover, the same for the room which is used as the meeting room. Even so one teacher mi...
Guest almost 3 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Cover Manager 0 In Discovery

Block Fill Grades

It would be good to give staff the option to be able to block fill a set of grades. Understand there is a 'default' grade option, but this would vary depending on the subject.
Guest over 4 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Reports Wizard 0 In Discovery

Change the colour tiles in cover manager

When adding cover they are faint and it makes it difficult to tell who needs covering.
Guest over 1 year ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Cover Manager 0 In Discovery

Document enquiry location criteria

It would be really useful for those of us with multiple locations to be able to have a location criteria in the search functions in document enquiry so that when searching POINs it is easier to search just one location in the 200 documents rather ...
Caroline Hatcher over 1 year ago in IRIS Financials 2 Under Investigation

Be able to add new periods in bulk

Future periods need to be created to ensure prepayments of contracts etc work correctly, however by default PSF only add a year or 2 and then make it the end users responsibility to add individually. Or have to pay extra for Bespoke Work. Why when...
Sascha Ellman-Brown over 1 year ago in IRIS Financials 2 Already exists