Discipline Manager enabled more specific inputting of detentions so that the task was carried out once rather than repeated.
We have several categories of detention occurring on repeated days. Currently we have to input each type of detention individually for a run of days of the week, generally 5 inputs to add for each day of the week for each category. A tick box for ...
It would be really helpful if development (and Trainers) could look at Truancy Call and compare the functionality with Absence Call. Using Absence Call is such a negative experience. It's not at all intuitive, it's clunky and time consuming to use...
almost 2 years ago
in IRIS Reach
Awaiting Prioritization
The ability to move more than one pupil at a time to the next detention session.
It would be helpful if we could select all the pupils who did not attend a detention session and then move them all to the next available detention. OR If not marked as present they autmoically are selected to move to the next detention session
At the moment it is possible to import set lists via a spreadsheet. If any of the sets do not exist, they can be created automatically. It would be great if something similar could be done with classes taught by form. In this case, we would not ne...
Sue O'Brien at Southwick, admin@southwick.wilts.sch.uk would like to be able to delete things in documents to print, in Bulk, she said that she had previously been informed this would be added in, it is a current enhancement request.
Viv Farnsworth
almost 2 years ago
in IRIS Parentmail
Will not implement
Electronic Forms - increase functionality to make it more useful for school club bookings
So we can use electronic forms for clubs booking, can you please add a feature that limits the numbers of check box ticks that can be made per club, ie. 20 places available on one club but form is sent to 150 parents! Thank you.
Update more than one students absence mark to write back to the MIS in one go
On a daily basis we have around 50 inbound absence messages from parents. Intakes 4 clicks to choose the students name, pick the absence mark from the dropdown, click the confirmation box, then go back to the inbox and click archive. We‘d like to ...