It would be great if iSAMS can provide an option to download the imported data from External data Tab. This option will be really helpful when an ex-employee has imported the data but hasn't left any clue which data has been imported.
When putting together seating plans you can see SEN requirements. However, the SEN requirements will not necessarily apply for every subject. At the moment, the only way to log subject-specific arrangements is by adding that information to the not...
Staff members to be able to email their reg group only
Could it be made possible that staff members on ParentMail, who are teachers, and have permission to send emails, could only send emails to their registration group, and not school wide?
Sharmaigne Watson
about 2 years ago
in IRIS Parentmail
Will not implement
The external exam seating plans could show the colour of each exam AND the candidate details.
The seating plans for external exams are great, but you can only view EITHER the candidate details, exam access OR have each exam in a different colour. So that pupils can identify which subject colour block they are in so they know where to look ...
We do a manual census return for each of our schools which are represented by Divisions in iSAMS. It would therefore be extremely helpful to be able to generate census data by Division. I'm not sure which "Category" this request belongs.
Need field for preferred surname as well as preferred forename
Some students commonly use a shortened from of their surname (eg Field-Wilding only normally uses Wilding)Pupil Manager needs a field to store this -we currently put proper surname in official name field and shortened form in surname field but the...