Batch upload files to file store in Student Registers. We would like to store documents like IEPs on student registers to increase accessibility. At the moment that means someone going through and uploading the IEPs one at a time. Can we have a fu...
The ability to enter negative lines on sales item invoices would be extremely helpful. We require customers to pay deposits in advance before we raise the final invoice. We then need to show deposits paid being deducted from the invoice to show th...
It would be very useful if, on the new Cloud Parent Portal, we were able to make small tweaks to customise it for our school. Example 1 - on the Dashboard page after logging on there are widgets for the children showing attendance, timetable and d...
The seating plans run to Word/Excel/pdf but for all formats the default setting is 'Letter' and prints outside the margins of A4. It would be really helpful if the default setting could be 'A4' and it would avoid having to change the print setting...
Many of the widgets on the medical centre overview page show repeated information, especially if activity is carried out by a small number of staff. Allow schools to choose what shows here e.g. we would switch off Recent Activity, Overdue Inventor...
Fees bills to be viewed on the Parent Portal Mobile App
Parents typically use the Portal when using their mobile phone. Uploading bills to the parent portal is completely ineffective if not viewable on a mobile phone.
Email wizard to be accessible from Student Registers
A new member of staff in our SEN department posed the question 'How would I email boys/parents with a particular SEN need'. Thinking it would be easy, I tried to perform the action and realised that there is no real interoperability between the st...
The Gradebooks module shows promise but is painfully cumbersome to manage. We need many more options for bulk edit features within the module. Tags, logs, column names, teacher assignments, additional columns, probably lots more.