Whenever the Admissions team changes a student status from Applicant to Current, an email alert is created and sent to the ICT team so that they can create the student iSAMS account immediately.
When we suspend lessons by year group (not by set), it also effects other year groups if we have a student out of their year in that class/set. Example: I have suspended Upper 6 lessons for study leave. A Lower 6 lesson showing as suspended in cov...
In Designer it is possible to select different high contrast colour schemes would it be possible to create our own colour scheme to match of school branding.
The ability to run a report to see what has been posted by an individual user. Useful to compare staff workload. Currently the only way to get something similar is to run a document enquiry for the document type but then you're limited to the last...
almost 2 years ago
in IRIS Financials
In Development
It would be useful to be able to send a message to all users when they log on to the system, for example "Order Deadline is XXXX do not enter any orders after this date" Messages could be added/removed or edited as and when required.
It would be very useful to our admissions team to be able to search for applicants by the term they are joining within an academic year. Or at least have the ability to add this as a column of information that we can sort by once searched for a pa...