It would be useful to be able to send a message to all users when they log on to the system, for example "Order Deadline is XXXX do not enter any orders after this date" Messages could be added/removed or edited as and when required.
The Dashboard needs to be more configurable to enable us to create a useful display which includes live data drawn from Edgen Modules. As a start, we are very keen for the Dashboard to show the Year to date Overall Attendance Percentage at Student...
A way to make ‘complete’ a whole class in ONE CLICK rather than having to go through each pupil individually?
Our old system was set up so that a teacher marked the whole class as complete, so if they had nothing to say about students they still recorded the fact that they had finished entering data for the class. Some teachers will have over 150 students...
This feature is being added for students however it would be useful for staff to also have a preferred surname field, as some staff are not legally married but in partnerships and wish to express this.
Search using Pupil Registers in Registration Day & Week Views
Currently a class register can include a Flag from a Pupil Register however you cannot search in Day or Week View based on that Pupil Register (only a Custom Group). Please could we add in the facility to search/filter by Pupil Registers in Regist...
Include "current school" and "previous school" in Query Builder
Current school and previous school are not searchable data fields in Query Builder. It would be useful to be able to search using these fields (for example when tidying up duplicate schools, or finding a group of students).
I know this is not a simple request but it would be great in the future if iSams planned to create a Timetabler module that can plan and organize the school Timetable - I see that there are other School Management Information Systems that have the...