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All the tick box of Special Arrangements for Internal Exams to be the same as those for External Exams.

No description provided
Guest almost 2 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / External Exams Manager 2 Now

Suspensions By Year Group

When we suspend lessons by year group (not by set), it also effects other year groups if we have a student out of their year in that class/set. Example: I have suspended Upper 6 lessons for study leave. A Lower 6 lesson showing as suspended in cov...
Guest almost 2 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Cover Manager 0 In Discovery

Stop multiple Calendar manager entries on same room at same time

It would be really helpful if calendar manager stopped staff booking the same room at the same time. we get regular issues where someone books a room only to found out its already been booked by someone else. It really should be flagged when the 2...
Guest 5 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Calendar Manager 0 Good Feature

Character/Word Limit on Generic Text

Currently, you cannot set a character limit on a generic text, only on a report text. This means that even if we set the character limit on report texts, the text might overrun 2 pages due to the lack of a limit on the generic text applied to the ...
Guest about 1 year ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Reports Manager 0 In Discovery

Registration Forms without Payments Should be Classified as Incomplete

The key difference between an enquiry form and a registration form is that the latter takes payments, whereas the former does not. When a registration form has been filled in, the parent is shown a Submit & Proceed to Payment button. Clicking ...
Sarah Kattau almost 3 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Admissions Portal 0 In Discovery

View documents processed by user

The ability to run a report to see what has been posted by an individual user. Useful to compare staff workload. Currently the only way to get something similar is to run a document enquiry for the document type but then you're limited to the last...
Guest almost 2 years ago in IRIS Financials 0 In Development

Change default colour scheme

In Designer it is possible to select different high contrast colour schemes would it be possible to create our own colour scheme to match of school branding.
Nicholas Perry over 1 year ago in IRIS Central / Analytics 0

Cloud Portal - Calendar

On the old calendar view on the Parent Portal you had the option to view a whole day, a whole week, a whole month, or a whole term. It would be great if those views were also available on the new cloud portal.
Sarah Kattau 8 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Parent Portal 0 In Discovery

Reporting: preferred name sorting export to Excel

Need to export reports to Excel with preferred name and surname in separate columns and in title case: | PreferredName| Surname |Class | Year | This would be much more helpful when completing mail merge. Currently unable to use data efficiently fo...
Guest 8 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Report Printing 0 Awaiting Review

Alert for student status change

Whenever the Admissions team changes a student status from Applicant to Current, an email alert is created and sent to the ICT team so that they can create the student iSAMS account immediately.
Guest about 1 year ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Student Manager 0 In Discovery