Recognising that this may need to wait until the Contact rewrite is complete, it would be useful for us to be able to update custom fields on contacts through the API. This would enable us to update parent Dates of Birth (stored on the contact as ...
when you create and electronic form and use the date field, for any date ie dob, date of transport, date of signing the form, the year starts at 1923! Obviously we don't select 1923 often, could the years available be revised please?
Can we have the ability to archive rejected or withdrawn admissions but still have access to them for reporting purposes.
I would like the option to be able to archive Rejected or Withdrawn admissions so that they do not show up when looking at all students but are specifically available when wanting to report on Archived Admissions.
Please can we have clear instructions for how to proceed if a current student's parent notifies us that the family is going to be moving house in a month's time and provides the new address. The existing fields for future address and move in date ...
On the Bulk Printing tab in the Reports Printing module you have the ability to select various kinds of filters for the output (e.g. Form Group). There is an option to order the output by Pastoral Tutor, but there is no option to filter the output...
Additional fields - Year and Form - to inbuilt registration report - Group Analysis Report – Analysis by Code - Group by Student Surname
Group Analysis Report – Analysis by Code - Group by Student Surname. I strongly believe that this request benefits all schools using iSAMS in their registration report data analysis. See screenshot attached - adding 2 columns fields, Year(NC), and...
When you follow the steps to cancel a bacs run in V7, it takes a long time as you have to cancel each invoice individually. You then have to journal from the payment run clearing account the difference between the original paylist and the amended ...