Leave requests to be sorted by school or year group
We would like Leave Requests to be searchable by school or year group. We have Heads of Schools approve leave requests but within the system they have to look at all requests to see which are relevant for them.
When adding a record to a record collection in a student register, you cannot sort the order. The latest item appears on top. Editing older items does not move them to the top either. This is an essential feature that we need adding make storing d...
One of my colleagues has noted that as we are using wellbeing manager more and more it is becoming increasingly difficult to identify the concerns that are relevant to him in a timely manner. He wondered if it would be possible to add filters on t...
It would be really useful if we could enter a default figure in the Markup % field on Candidate Fee Reports (which can then be amended as necessary, prehaps in the Setup tab). The Exams Team have to keep remembering to complete this field every ti...
Add Young Carer Indicator field to Admissions Forms
The Young Carer Indicator is statutory data for state schools to collect and submit with their census. Making this collectable via admission forms would be very helpful.
When running the exclusion data report for the current year, I have noticed that it is not pulling through the data for learners who have left. Exclusion data should be included for the period, whether the student was on roll or not. For example, ...
In V7, you can't change the Default Period. In September times, this can be frustrating for customers who want to look at supplier or transactions but have to amend the period to all or enter period ranges. This can take longer and if they have a ...
Mark teachers unavailable during Absent and Free periods
It would be helpful to be able block times when staff are unavailable (due to ad hoc meetings etc) during their non-teaching periods. This would prevent them from being allocated cover.