The ability to export hidden columns to Excel would be most useful - currently it only exports visible ones. And I don't want to go into 150+ Gradebooks and unhide the 5 columns - and then hide them just to do this. Also, if Tracking Manager could...
Suspending a timetable also marks rooms as free for room changes
When a timetable is suspended e.g. Y11 go on leave on exams, it marks the room allocated to their lessons as avaliable so that these show up when allocating room changes.
Amend the School Year in School Terms so that it shows as a true academic year, i.e. 2023/24, 2024/25? At present, the box will only allow 4 digits to be entered and displaying 2024 for a whole school year is confusing.
Future Absences Should Be Included in the Audit Trail
Registers on iSAMS are generated in the early hours, e.g. 3am. Within the Registration Manager module is a future absence system. Using this, we can instruct registers to be pre-populated with absence codes and notes.
So, when the register is gen...
Could the pay and contracts be made to hold past scales and superseded contracts, also some staff have multiple roles so need multiple contract and associated pay data can this functionality also be added.
Leave requests to be sorted by school or year group
We would like Leave Requests to be searchable by school or year group. We have Heads of Schools approve leave requests but within the system they have to look at all requests to see which are relevant for them.
It would be helpful to have an untick all / select all as currently we have to untick every item on the payment list if we only want to pay a couple of items. Very time consuming.
Why does the date default to 2027/28.99 when we're only in 2024/25? Why can't it default to the current period? Also, can it be adjusted so that we don't have to click exactly on the arrow on the drop-down? Why can't we jut click on the period ran...
Please either remove the Printer icon from the Reporting Browser or make it so that it works. Having to save as PDF and open before being able to print a document is very frustrating and time consuming.