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Option to refund account balances for dinners

It would be very useful to have the option to refund unused dinner money or any other register payments online instead of having to issue cheques, cash or Bacs.
Jeannie Peace about 1 month ago in IRIS Parentmail 0

Leave request notification send to include iSAMS User Role

Leave Request are sometime having different workflow for other schools like office manager, front office, deputy,.
Guest 17 days ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Parent Portal 1 Awaiting Review

Student Register Form Wizard and Icon Data Entry Access

Would it be possible to make entering data easier in Student Registers, similar to concern record. Where a shortcut wizard bar could be added. But even better when publishing a register icon in registration manager or student manager, allowing dat...
Guest 18 days ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Student Registers 0 Good Feature

Allow negative values when posting lodgments from bank feed

When processing lodgments from the bank feed, it would be good to be able to enter negative values, as most of our lodgments have card transaction fees included, so the full income needs to be posted separate from the fee. Currently, we process th...
Guest 26 days ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / iFinance 0 Awaiting Review

Remove staff members first names from parent cloud portal

Under School Profile, Attendance, the full name of the teacher who took the register is displayed to parents. This should display as Mr/Mrs/Miss/Mx and Surname, rather than the full name of the teacher.
Guest about 2 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Parent Portal 0 Awaiting Review

Notes field in leave request needs to transfer to Out of School

When a parent submits a leave request and adds information to the notes field, this does not transfer to the Out of School which does not make sense
Guest 2 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Registration Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Push Notification for Select Category

Parents with children at either Primary or Secondary receiving Push Notification Alert for both school's communication although the school has created Catergories in "News Type". Is there any way to only send push notifications to parents that bel...
Guest 18 days ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / News Manager 0 In Discovery

Searchable and Viewable Email Content in Email Manager

It will be great if we can perform the following in Email Manager when tracing an email sent: 1. Able to search email sent to parents. 2. Able to view the content sent to parents. The above can assist the school in tracing email communications bet...
Guest 18 days ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Control Panel 0 Good Feature

Bulk link and unlink of sets

Each year, we continuously connect and disconnect sets based on our requirements. If we could have a year group where all the sets are displayed together, allowing us to link and unlink them by simply checking or unchecking boxes on a grid, it wou...
Guest 19 days ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Teaching Manager 0 Awaiting Review

Link Form to a Teaching Set

In schools, core subjects such as English, Math, and Science are often taught as a complete set. When new students join a form or move internally, the MIS Manager responsible for subject allocation must manually add them to each subject set. The a...
Guest 19 days ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Teaching Manager 0 Awaiting Review