Timetable Spreadsheets - Full Teacher Spreadsheet - Include All Timetabled Lessons/Meetings
We love the Timetable Spreadsheets feature but it would be great if there was a tickbox to include meetings and other timetabled lessons in the output. This would allow HoDs and other relevant staff to see availability across the full week for all...
Can we have the ability to archive rejected or withdrawn admissions but still have access to them for reporting purposes.
I would like the option to be able to archive Rejected or Withdrawn admissions so that they do not show up when looking at all students but are specifically available when wanting to report on Archived Admissions.
Parent Portal Document Upload - Permissions to view
You should be able to upload a document and choose what Parent is able to view the document. For example, if the parents are separated and the staff would like the parents to have different versions of a document. You are able to choose permission...
Full grades to be displayed in Assessments & Reports section in 'Student Profiling'
Pupils' assessment grades can be found in the Assessments & Reports section in the Student Profiling module. However, the full grades are currently only visible by hovering over it. As confirmed by the iSAMS team, that this section is hard-cod...
The ability to publish gradebook comments to parent and student portals in bulk. Or a setting to set the default visibility. We enter Gradebooks comments for every assessment and there is no way to publish these without going back into the comment...
It would be good to have the option to turn on or off the All Present and All Away options when taking the registration. This would force the teacher to mark each child present or not.
Introduce the possibility to pseudonymise admissions records that have been withdrawn/rejected x months ago
We would look to anonymise admissions data for pupils who chose not to join us some time ago, so that we can retain the generic statistical information for future analysis whilst being GDPR compliant.
On the old calendar view on the Parent Portal you had the option to view a whole day, a whole week, a whole month, or a whole term. It would be great if those views were also available on the new cloud portal.
Archive withdrawn applicants without appearing in Fee Billing Manager
We have a number of applicants that withdraw after they have imported into iSams, it would be useful to have a system of archiving them without appearing in Fee Billing Manager, so we still have a record of them but without the worry of billing th...