It would be very useful to have the option to refund unused dinner money or any other register payments online instead of having to issue cheques, cash or Bacs.
Include Candidate Details (Public Exams) on Parent Portal
Within Public Exams > View Exam Arrangements , there are no Candidate Details displayed currently like: Candidate Forename, Candidate Surname, Candidate UCI Number, Candidate Code. These are all displayed within the Pupil Portal though. It woul...
Be able to use an emailer to select multiple debtors to chase up outstanding payments. It could work by a list of debtors comes up and from that list a number of them can be selected to receive a chase letter at levels 1 and 2. Level 3 could be pr...
It would be helpful to be able to alter the VAT coding on transactions via the transaction browser. I am aware that currently this can only be done on bulk invoices & therefore not sales invoices or item invoices
We have 3 VAT control accounts; 1 purchase ledger, 1 sales ledger, 1 for adjustments. It would be helpful to be able to be able to match the HMRC payments on VAT to the these control accounts such that the balances don't keep growing.
It would be helpful if there could be a place where we can add that a child has been re-enrolled in to the school. I believe at the moment this can only be added in notes, but it would be good if there was a designated place for it. For example so...
Create one form to use across multiple sites instead of creating one for each site.
When creating a form that will be used across more than one school, Prince Regent Street Trust would find it really useful to be able to share that form with other sites instead of having to create multiple forms for each school.
We want to use the 'email all teachers of a pupil' functionality which is a great function in the wizard bar but my understanding is that staff need access to HR Manager. Understandably our HR team do not want staff to be able to access HR informa...
We would like email notifications to include the student's preferred name, rather than their first name. When a Reward and Conduct email is created it includes the Pupil name. In many East Asian countries, the first name is a formal name and is no...