Allow access arrangements to be editable for non SEN pupils
In the old SEN module, pupils could have access arrangments added without being on the register. In Student Registers, they need to be added to the SEN register for the access arrangements tab to appear. Can this tab be made editable for all pupil...
Provision to select a group of recipients in the News Item
Currently, a news item can only be published to ALL staff/parents. It would be great to be able to select a group of recipients - could be year group, form, custom groups, etc. This would enable parents, for instance, to see just the news that the...
Add Pupils School Emails to Teaching Sets Extract - Wizard Bar
In the Wizard Bar, under Teaching Manager, staff can do a quick extract of their set lists. It would be very useful if student school emails was added to the list of limited fields that are available for them to extract.
It would be good to have the option to turn on or off the All Present and All Away options when taking the registration. This would force the teacher to mark each child present or not.
Do action when changing applicant's admission status
create ability to setup action to be done automatically when changing the applicants' admission statuses (single or bulk), every selection could execute separate action such as sending email to parent that your kid has been accepted (or rejected),...
Increase the number of characters allowed for a account in the Title field - Needed for Suppliers
When creating new suppliers (accounts) our users are having to shorten or cut off the supplier names in some instances due to the limit being set at 40 characters. The box itself is large enough to hold more characters so it would be great if this...
Becky Graham
over 1 year ago
in IRIS Financials
Planned for a future major release
Candidate Number should be the default sort order for all areas of Exams Manager
Exam regulations require all information to be identified by Candidate Numbers. Please set the default order for everything in Exams Manager to be Candidate Number; this is particularly important in the seating part of this module.
Ability to add student home email addresses to Email Wizard
As iSAMS recommends using the Email Wizard we wish to send out emails to school leavers (those that have just left) but they don't always have access to their school account. On the email wizard it would be beneficial when selecting Pupil users to...