SO tedious to add one set and then another one using the painful dropdown menu. You need to at least be able to multiple select the sets from the huge dropdown (which also needs to be able to be filtered by year group).
Add the Parental Responsibility selection to Admissions Forms
The schools in our MAT need to collect whether or not a contact has PR when they submit an enquiry form via the Cloud Portal, but this is not an available field when configuring the form - as state schools we mostly need to use this form for initi...
Sending room cover notification to staff and students by default
When publishing cover, the teacher cover boxes are ticked for 'Send to covering teachers / Send to covered teachers' by default but with room cover you have to remember to tick the box for 'Send to coverering rooms / Send to covered rooms' every d...
Automated return of deposit on leavers final invoices
If the leaving date or term of a pupil was able to be entered into iSams/Fee Billing and Fee Billing then knew that any deposit registered as being held needed to be added to the final bill for that pupil, it would be much more efficient and need ...
It would be really helpful to have same functionality as in Student Manager (Bulk AND Batch edit). Batch Edit would help massively in the HR Manager Module as updating staff information takes really long time even with the Bulk edit functionality ...
Option to pull data from Reports Wizard into Gradebooks
Currently, there is the ability to pull data from Reports Wizard into the Data Tracking module but there isn't an ability to pull this through to Gradebooks.
Ability to change a student's timetable in advance
It would be so useful to have the ability to make class changes in advance of the event so that it doesn't have to be done on the day. I know other IMS systems allow this and the change automatically applies on the date selected. Class lists can t...
If the ability to bulk update pupil records exists, then there should also be an ability to bulk update contact records. Currently, schools have to painstakingly update contacts records individually which is very time consuming.