Have a Way of Viewing Component Results within iSAMS
It is possible to pull out component results using an SSRS report. However, there are no screens directly within the Exams Manager module to view these results. Almost all exam boards are now releasing component results and staff need an easy way ...
I'm continually asked to provide a statistics on how many parents read the reports generated through the Portal Publishing section of the Report Printing module, honestly it would even be useful to tell which parents have download reports but we c...
Can we have the function to assign a line manager to the staff member in the system please? For all support and teaching staff. At the moment you have to create a custom global list entry, add all the people to it and then create a custom field li...
Subject Reports Awaiting Completion to include the set name as well as the teacher
I print off the Subject Reports Awaiting Completion sheet to scribble on as I figure out anomalies and check every teacher has completed all reports required - but I'm often reminding myself by looking elsewhere which subject the teacher teaches a...
Our medical centre staff have asked for a 'visitor' person type. On occasion the medical centre deal with visitors (e.g. children from visiting sports teams or visiting adults) and they wish to be able to record this in iSAMS, including maintainin...
Please could we have data from all the integrated registers available in Central? We have FSM, LAC, PP, SC, SEN. We really need the EAL register added, but including the rest as well would seem like good future-proofing!
Staff assigned to a detention supervision notified via dashboard and/or timetable
Currently the only way for a member of staff to be reminded that they are on detention supervision is to go into discipline manager and view all their detentions. It would be nice if this was displayed on their dashboard as a visual reminder. And/...
seating plan zoom feature consistently used the slider control
Currently if a room has 50 possible seats or fewer, then the seating plan dialog has the ability to zoom the seating plan from 50% size to 150% size using a continuously-variable slider control (as shown in the module documentation).However, for r...
The ability to select/deselect which candidate results are published to Parent Portal
As per ICOs guidelines, pupils can request that their results are not published to parents if there is a good reason not to. Unfortunately, publishing results to PP in iSAMS is an 'all or nothing' button click. You cannot even manually remove a pu...
Add Parent Contact Number as a Search field in Student Manager
Add Parent Contact Number as a Search field in Student Manager It would be helpful to have a contact number search criteria in Student Manager. Sometimes numbers are left at reception for call backs and the name cannot be deciphered. To be able to...