send parent notification , based on division filter from period view
division filter in Period View is designed to only cover the data that appears within the view, and does not affect the "Send Parent Notifications" function. We have critical need to send the notification based on division, specially primary progr...
Selecting teachers by entering their initials or surname from a drop down list
When creating an absence, it is far more time consuming to scroll down a list than it is to quickly enter staff initials or surname. Can it be made that both methods of selecting a teacher are available please.
The customer mentioned that it would be a good idea to have a warning come up to let them know that a Contract is coming up for renewal (say 30 days) so that they can start looking at Contracts with better value where possible. They would also pre...
Choice of Naming on Portal - Parents are not always aware of identity preferences.
Parent portal is pulling the preferred name for the child. This is OK if the child is small, but if they are 16 - 19 and have not told their parents that they are identifying differently - this is a big issue. We really need to be able to specify ...
Management of parent (guest) account not in Control Panel
Currently, any account that a parent creates for the Admissions Portal, gets added as a Guest account which can only be managed within User Accounts in Control Panel. We only have a very limited number of people with access to Control Panel. Howev...
Improve design of "List missing Subject and Form Tutor reports" - even your own staff are confused by it!
When you look at or print this report, it is neatly divided up by strong black lines. But their position makes no sense! the line is in between the name of the report author and the white/blue/green bar that tells you whether or not the reports ha...
Is it possible to get a report of users by useage of the portal, I am constantly short of Licenses, and need to see user useage. To make sure the more active users keep their license, and also to see if I still need so many licenses
It would be beneficial to be able to see / print Supplier bank details during the payment run process before approval. This would allow the details to be cross checked as another level of security and without having to go into every account separa...
Modify the absence code when aproving a LEAVE REQUEST
When aproving a Leave Request it takes the absence code from the default option set in the Configuration options for "Leave Request Settings". It does not take the code selected by the parents and the person that aproves it can't modify or change ...
Click through to a pupil record from the pupils listed against an agency
It would be good if you could click through from an agent to the pupil/applicant details. Saves you finding an agent and a pupil and then having to go into Pupil Manager/Applicant Manager to look up the pupil. I do believe that it would make a lot...