Please could the Pastoral Flag and associated detail text be made available in Central? As this is the information that is made publicly available about each child from Wellbeing Manager to other parts of EdGen (Pupil Manager and Registers) it see...
Could room availabilities which have been added via Timetable Manager also show in room timetables in the app?
Please could room availabilities which have been added via Timetable Manager also show in room timetables in the app? We block out time in the school hall for fixed slots in the week which are added via Timetable Manager and staff can check the ro...
Is there any way to have an audit log to see the data and dashboards accessed by users. This would help to understand the usage of the dashboards and also allow for monitoring to the access of data.
When booking meetings the ability to duplicate over both weeks and also create meetings that span multiple periods to be entered in one go instead of manually doing a meeting over 2-3 periods which is prone to errors and time consuming.
Warning for Cancelling Parents evening booking for parents
Raised on behalf of St Joseph's Catholic Primary Academy: Parents can very easily cancel their bookings without realising (like double tapping or accidentally hitting cancel when they go back in to check the time they selected) but nothing comes u...
over 1 year ago
in IRIS Parentmail
Awaiting Prioritization
Our Friday morning registers are selected by Houses. We then do five trees within each house, spread across KS3 and KS4. The registration rule does not allow us to filter so the 5 teacher taking register could have 165 students to filter through. ...
In Student Registers it does not seem to be possible to 'sort' pupils (e.g. by DoB) as you can do in Student Manager, by clicking on the title tab at the top of a column.Can this facility be enabled, please.