Problem : The notification email (Figure 2) sent to the admissions team does not include any contact information for the parent who completed the enquiry. This is already a feature of the parent notification tab of the same form as it is used for ...
For example. parents should default to all correspondence, but guardians/agents should not. It would save emails being sent to those that shouldn't get because someone forgot to untick a box
Include a simple Status filter on the built-in SEN reports (current/former/applicant)
Include a simple Status filter on the built-in Pupil Registers->Reports->Standard Reports->Special Educational Needs reports, to filter by current/former/applicant status. It's crazy that this isn't already there and, currently, all of th...
Ability for Wizard bar (Add a detention) to be available without read or write properties for the module. For the safeguarding for information - only to allow teaching staff to add detentions via the wizard bar and then not access the Detention An...
I would like have ability to search students grades as a search teacher gradebooks. For example, If I want watch the progress or grades for any students i would like only search that student and not by teacher and their all gradebooks.
Could you please let me know if it is possible that the current data for Attendance, Rewards, Consequences (Red + Deadline) by students could be added to the report writing module when tutors write their tutor reports? It comes up on the final rep...
Make sure there is feature parity between the web portal and mobile apps for school directory (GDPR)
In "Parent Portal Manager > Features > School Directory Options" there is no feature parity between the "Web Portal" tab and the "Portal App" tab (i.e. the mobile app). This led us to experience a GDPR issue in disclosing more of our staff d...